piątek, 23 lipca 2021


Ostatnio często chodzi za mną utwór zespołu Niviane "Forgotten Centurion".

Zastawiam więc Wam tekst. I życzę miłego weekendu. Mój strój to zdobycze z second handów, gdyby się ktoś pytał. :D


Forgotten centurion casualty of war
Heading towards the evening sun trying to find my way back home
The sun blinds my eyes and my feet are heavy and worn
A wound in my side and a long perilous road
Forgotten centurion still so far to go
Barely enough strength just to drag my sword
I'm running out of time and my body's moving slow
At the crossroads of life not sure which way I'll go
Lost in the black avoiding attack with a devil on my back
Energy's waning slowly dying my home I'll never reach
Gods' mercy I seek, will they answer me, send roman cavalry
Soldier forsaken, Im forgotten, centurion
Forgotten centurion casualty of war
No coins for the ferryman, no penance for my soul
With tears in my eyes I push myself onward
I've got death on my mind, and more regrets than I can afford
Lost in the black avoiding attack with a devil on my back
Energy's waning slowly dying my home I'll never reach
Gods' mercy I seek, will they answer me, send roman cavalry
Soldier forsaken, Im forgotten, centurion.

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